Unity XR interaction
Addition to Unity 2019.3!
As an addition starting in unity 2019.3 Unity released a preview package to integrating XR/VR management and interactions natively. Read about it at the Unity Blog here
Click Image to view youtube sample of XR Interaction
- This is the initial demo project for use of the interaction tools of the XR toolkit
- Locomotion is through teleporting with a snap turn method
- All interaction uses the XR toolkit framework, so it will be able to build on any VR device with the button mapping automatically adjusting.
Interaction Demos
- Teleporting
- Area (all of floor is able to be be teleport location)
- Target (a single target area to teleport to)
- Turns with Primary 2D axis
- On Oculus Go, this is the thumb pad
- Grab Interaction
- Can grab/throw objects
- UI Raycaster interaction
- Interact with buttons or scroll views
- Socket interactions
- door opens with correct game object is connected to socket
The World
- Build with Unity Snaps Sci-fi free asset from asset store.
This project will continue to be developed to make a working escape room vertical slice. Stay Tuned for more updates
Github for project can be found: here