Smart Homes for Aging Research

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Smart Homes


There is new research taking place in the aging cohort that is focusing on what aging in the home looks like. This research is the first of its kind. It gains a wealth of data from sensors and devices in the home.

I am one of the main coordinators of this research project on the Alzheimer’s Center. While having all of these sensors and devices in the home may seem invasive, we are getting positive feed back from the participants who agreed to it.

The research focuses on creating a snapshot of aging in the home Using:

  • Motion sensors in each room
  • Contact Sensors on doors (only to enter and exit home)
  • Smart Pill box
  • Smart Scale
  • Activity Watch
  • Driving Sensor

All of these devices interface with a hub computer to stream the data back to the research center. The hope is that all of this data of living and aging in the home paired with all of the measures from the memory test and other annual testing we can see patters associated with aging issues before the subject shows outward signs.

The Smart home research study stems from from the CART project with OHSU CART Home Study

About Tim Truty

A researcher with a passion for new tech and connecting people with devices. Technology advances to help people and the world. All things tech interest me as well as 90s pop punk and some hacky sack. All the views expressed here are solely mine and do not represent any organization.

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