Post of College Senior Paper

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Category : Tech

College White Paper to Discuss Tech and Aging

The attached paper is almost 10 years old. It is a work done for my Psychology senior seminar at Illinois State University with Dr. Binning. This demonstrated my begining interesting in how to combine aging and technology.

First interests in aging and tech.

The attached paper is almost 10 years old. It is a work done for my Psychology senior seminar at Illinois State University with Dr. Binning. This demonstrated my begining interesting in how to combine aging and technology. It may be a bit rough or wordy… It was college… I did get an A.

About Tim Truty

A researcher with a passion for new tech and connecting people with devices. Technology advances to help people and the world. All things tech interest me as well as 90s pop punk and some hacky sack. All the views expressed here are solely mine and do not represent any organization.

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