Granny Game

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Category : Game

Granny Game

Rapid design and creation of Unity2D game

A rapid development project to showcase some game design skills with unity. The entire game was put together in about 3 days. It includes a menu, game-play, and firebase connected leader-board. All connected with C#.

  • The game itself has elements of frogger as a platformer.
  • Homemade player sprites, sounds and interactions
  • The connected firebase database will records and update the leader-board live and persistently
  • Secret codes are also in the game, try the konomi code on menu screen

About Tim Truty

A researcher with a passion for new tech and connecting people with devices. Technology advances to help people and the world. All things tech interest me as well as 90s pop punk and some hacky sack. All the views expressed here are solely mine and do not represent any organization.

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